Pure Solutions Blog

Tick Identification Card [Infographic]: Dog Ticks vs Deer Ticks

Written by Pure Solutions | Apr 2, 2016 6:55:00 PM

American Dog Ticks and Deer Ticks are two of the most common tick species found throughout the United States, especially in New England. Both species transmit tick-borne illnesses, and to minimize the danger, tick bite prevention starts with awareness, and reliable information.

When you understand the behavior, seasonality and appearance of different tick species in your local environment, you can better protect yourself and your loved ones, and make an informed decision on safe natural tick control services.

To help understand the differences between American Dog Ticks and Deer Ticks, we've put together the infographic below. Please feel free to download it for your family, and share it with anyone you know living in areas where tick habitats are common: 

Awareness is always the best prevention against tick-borne illnesses. Click here to share this Deer tick vs Dog Tick infographic on Facebook, to help inform your friends and family. You can also download our free tick identification card by clicking here.

Don't forget, both the American Dog Tick and Deer Tick have two-year life cycles. One adult female Deer Tick can lay up to 3,000 eggs, while one female American Dog Tick will lay over 4,000, so you want to disrupt their activities before their populations expand into an infestation.

To stop the cycle, contact us through the form you can access via the button below, with any questions. Ask about Pure Solutions National Organic Program compliant yard tick sprays, and other pest control services near you, to protect your lawn during tick seasons by eliminating ticks in all life stages, including their eggs before they even hatch:

Happy Outdooring!