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Are chemical fertilizers and pesticides harmful?

Posted by Peter DiClemente on May 2, 2016 4:00:00 PM

Instead of trying to explain everything I know about the dangerous affects of lawn pesticides, I would like to recommend a few trustworthy websites that will really open your eyes.

There have been numerous studies of the dangerous effects of lawn chemicals and the negative impact they have on the environment. These studies emphasize that you should really know what is being applied to your lawn, especially if you have children or pets.

Lawn products can also be tracked in the house and get into the carpets and floors, so it's not necessarily just an issue with lawn care chemicals while you're outdoors. Improper applications of chemical fertilizers can also run off in to local ponds or leech in to ground water, destroying natural habitats.

nice green New England lawn using, safe natural fertilizer

Learn more from these great resources below, and how the importance of maintaining an organic environment for your children and pets:

When you're ready to make the switch to an organic lawn care program, schedule a free consultation with our team.

Free Organic Lawn Care Consultation

Topics: Think Pure, Organic Lawn Care