Updated 9.23.20
As the circumstances and protocols around coronavirus continue to change Pure Solutions is staying vigilant in ensuring we are adhering to all guidelines set forth by each state we operate in and those from the CDC.
- We are continuing to provide service as long as it is safe and legal.
- Our customer’s safety is of utmost importance to us.
- Our techs continue to have no physical contact with our clients limiting the risk of any transmission from our services.
- We utilize phone, text and email to take care of all client communications.
- We continue to operate a safe work environment, some of the steps we have taken include:
- Asking all employees to stay home is sick or presenting ANY symptoms
- Use of PPE equipment at all times when not socially distant. This includes wearing masks during the work day.
- Social distancing in the workplace to reduce risk of transmission
- The health of our business directly depends on the health of our employees, it is in our best interest to ensure we are operating in a safe and protective manner.
- Please contact us if someone in your home is sick or becomes sick, so that you do not expose our techs.
- If you need to postpone a service due to illness, please know that we will welcome you back as soon as you are ready.
As of 10/1/20, there has been no information to suggest that COVID-19 can be transmitted by mosquitoes or ticks. Please continue to protect yourself by following guidelines offered by the CDC.
We thank you for your continued support. Stay vigilant, healthy and safe this Fall.
The Pure Solutions Team