It’s that time of year again. The leaves are turning; many having already hit the ground, and if you're anything like the rest of us, you've probably put off cleaning up your yard until the last minute. All this procrastination means that leaf litter is left for prolonged periods of time and this can prove to be more detrimental than one might think. Below are a few reasons why fall clean-ups are important to get done....hopefully sooner than later.

Lawns Need to Breathe
Remember your lawn is a living, breathing thing. When leaves drop in the fall they start to suffocate your lawn. Heavy leaf cover will make it hard for sunlight to get to your lawn, and without sunlight, grass can’t go through the photosynthesis cycle to produce the chlorophyll it needs to stay green and healthy. Heavy leaf cover can also produce mold and other diseases which can affect the health of your lawn, especially in the spring if left under snow cover. However, a small amount of leaf litter can be a great food source when properly mulched back into your lawn.
New England’s Forestry Promotes Acidic Soil
New England is covered in pine trees, many yards are impacted by the immense number of pine needles that fall off pine trees each year, so it is important to make sure pine needles are removed off your property. Pine needles are very acidic and they lower the pH of your soil, making it harder for your turf stands to uptake the nutrients it needs to make it through winter. It is not recommended to mulch pine needles on your lawn.
Pests Love Tree Debris
Common pests such as ticks, mosquitoes, and spiders love to take cover in and around fallen leaves, and tree branches. The first step to natural pest control on your property is removing debris from your lawn and creating a clean and clear delineation between the surrounding woods-line and lawn. Ticks and other pests have a hard time surviving the winter in a well-maintained turf stand and will naturally make their way to the edge of the property to seek out protection from the elements.
The Pure Solutions team are experts at Fall Lawn Care strategies. Our all-natural lawn care services help your lawn survive the harsh New England winters and come back strong in the spring. If you want to learn more or have any questions or concerns about your property please give us a call at 781-899-7873 or email us at