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What is Organic Lawncare?

Posted by Pure Solutions on Aug 26, 2020 2:37:50 PM

Every spring people across the United States participate in some form of lawn care, some people hire landscaping companies, some hire the neighbor's kid and some others take care of their lawns on their own. Some of us fertilize and irrigate, some of us simply mow and call it good while others leave their lawns natural and plant “pollinator gardens”. The list of lawn care strategies, products and services is a mile long, each with their unique lawn care techniques. 

Recently, there has been a growing movement that reflects a change in how people want to service/treat and embrace their laws in a more natural and holistic way. No matter what level of participation/interest people have in their lawn care, they are starting to question the use of chemical (sometimes toxic) products as well as the use of non-native plants and grasses. It is clear to us, at Pure Solutions, that the benefits of organic lawn care far outweigh those of traditional lawn care products and services. 

Benefits of Organic Lawn Care Products and Services:

  • Healthier, more sustainable lawn
  • Limited concerns about runoff and water contamination
  • Drought resistant varieties of products
  • More resilient to heat stress
  • Safer for you, your family, your pets and the environment!

The Drawbacks of Traditional Lawn Care Products and Services:

  • Long-term higher costs
  • Less drought-resistant grasses
  • Higher water consumption
  • More prone to disease and pest issues
  • Potential exposure issues for children, pets and the applicator
  • Potential contamination of your local water supply or groundwater
  • Higher rates of insect by-kill 

At Pure Solutions, we take a holistic approach to natural lawn care as we see it as a long-term investment. Anyone that tells you they can change your chemically treated lawn over to an organic lawn, with fantastic results immediately is being less than honest. Organic lawn care is an investment in your lawn that may be slightly more expensive upfront but will save you a lot of money over the long term. 

Our trusted, proved and dynamic program includes the following:

  • Soil Testing and Analysis
    • Each year our program begins with a soil test, which will give us the information needed to customize a plan that meets the needs of your individual property.
  • Organic Lawn Fertilizer 
    • We utilize custom plant and aquatic-based fertilizers to feed our organic lawns during the growing season.
  • Organic Weed Control
    • We've worked tirelessly to find weed control options that fall in line with our strict organic guidelines. Our plant-based weed control products are safer than traditional weed control.
  • Overseeding
    • There is a lot of value in slice seeding in the spring and overseeding in the fall to increase turf density. This will build a thick turf stand and help the lawn out compete the weeds.
  • Organic Grub & Natural Insect Control
    • Grubs and insects can be detrimental to cool-season lawns, which is why we treat yearly for the best protection.
  • Soil Amendments
    • After analyzing our client's soil test, we can determine what soil amendments are necessary, including limestone applications and micro and macro-nutrient fertilizers.
  • Aeration
    • By coring soil plugs out of the lawn, we are allowing air, water, and nutrients to penetrate deeper into the soil. This will help to alleviate compaction and build soil health.
  • Organic Compost & Topdressing
    • We use organic compost to naturally revitalize soil structure. This service feeds microbes, helps retain moisture, and adds beneficial nutrients to the soil.

The principles of organic lawn management can be defined as a systems approach. It’s more than just a product-driven program and has become the standard in conventional turfgrass management. We consider more than just feeding the grass, it all begins with the soil. If you create healthy soil it will sustain a healthy lawn with fewer inputs needed. 

Pure Solutions is a proud member of The Northeast Organic Farming Association, we follow their standards for organic land care as outlined below:


Basic Principles of Organic Land Care

  1. Steward the combined health of the soil, plant, animal, human, and planet.
  2. Emulate living ecological systems and cycles and help sustain them.
  3. Build equity, respect, justice, and stewardship of the shared world.
  4. Act in a precautionary and responsible manner.

If you are interested in getting a free proposal for our organic lawn care program or have some questions about all-natural lawn care products, please contact us today! 

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Topics: Organic Lawn Care, Aeration, Turf Education, topdressing, grubs