Our biggest enemy in the pursuit of a healthy organic lawn is crabgrass. It shows up in summer, almost out of the blue when the weather is hot and dry and unaddressed will gradually start to take over. A single plant is capable of producing 150 to 700 tillers and 150,000 seeds.
Read More...Get Rid of Crabgrass In Your Lawn Naturally
Watering & Mowing Guidelines for Organic Lawn Care Programs
How Does Snow Affect Your Lawn?
We spend all spring, summer, and fall taking care of our lawns. We mow regularly, water, aerate, weed, fertilize,and spread fresh organic compost. Then, the cold moves in, and suddenly our lawns get coated in snow. Do you ever wonder what is going on with the grass under all that snow? How is that investment of time, money, and resources being affected as it sits buried month after month? The good news is your lawn is pretty adaptable, especially if you are utilizing an organic lawn program like the one from Pure Solutions, and will usually survive the winter with minimal negative repercussions. That being said, your lawn goes through changes over the winter, some of which may need to be addressed when the snow melts.
Read More...Top 6 Steps For Winterizing Your Organic Lawn
The patio furniture has been put away, Halloween is around the corner and it's time to start putting up the driveway stakes in advance of plowing season. As the colder months move in spend less time concerned with green lawns, and more time consumed with fall cleanups. After a summer spent mowing, watering, composting, fertilizing, and aerating your lawn is ready to be put to bed. To give your organic lawn the best environment possible to thrive next spring, here are a few key steps to ensure you are leaving your lawn as healthy this winter.
What is Organic Lawncare?
Every spring people across the United States participate in some form of lawn care, some people hire landscaping companies, some hire the neighbor's kid and some others take care of their lawns on their own. Some of us fertilize and irrigate, some of us simply mow and call it good while others leave their lawns natural and plant “pollinator gardens”. The list of lawn care strategies, products and services is a mile long, each with their unique lawn care techniques.
Read More...3 Reasons to Consider Organic Lawn Care and Natural Pest Control Solutions
According to the newly released report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the world's ecosystems are in dire danger. Species extinction rates are accelerating and grave impacts around the world are now likely.
Read More...The Core Principles of Organic Lawn Care
The principles of organic lawn management can be defined as a systems approach. It’s more than just a product-driven program and has become the standard in conventional turfgrass management. A true organic lawn care program is more than just feeding the grass, it all begins with the soil. If you create a healthy soil it will sustain a healthy lawn with fewer inputs needed.
Read More...How To Get Rid of Lawn Grubs Naturally
At Pure Solutions we see a wide array of issues when consulting on organic lawn care. One topic that many of our customers commonly share is dealing with grubs. Lawn grubs are a nuisance that many homeowners must deal with each summer. They appear almost out of nowhere and cause a painful amount of destruction to lawns. The majority of the time grub worms are either European Chafer or Japanese Beetle larvae.
Read More...Think about the Honeybees
In New England bees have always been a part of our Eco-system, and they play a crucial role in the food we eat every day. It is estimated that we depend on pollinators for roughly one-third of the food in the world today. There is no debate about the importance of honeybees and pollinators in our local ecosystems. Since the late 1990's beekeepers around the world have reported high rates of decline in honeybee populations. The alarming decline in populations has sparked the now infamous ‘Save the Bees’ movement.
Read More...Garden Shows and Super Bowls...Starting off February in Georgia
February is starting off in very exciting ways at Pure Solutions and much of it has revolved around the state of Georgia. In 2018 we proudly launched our Coastal Georgia/Greater Savannah location where Owner Operator Adam Groover has begun to develop a strong footprint within the Mosquito and Tick Control and Organic Turf Care Industries. Adam is currently preparing for a very busy 2019 service season in his quickly expanding service area.