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Graham Henningson

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Lyme Disease at a Glance

Posted by Graham Henningson on Jul 11, 2016 6:00:00 PM

The northeast is a very high-risk area for tick-borne diseases, especially Lyme disease. We've collected key facts and information for you to learn more about Lyme disease and how it affects people in our community.


Tick & Mosquito Spraying For Your Special Events

Posted by Graham Henningson on Jun 30, 2016 3:00:00 PM

Summer is a time to enjoy the outdoors with friends and family. Don't let mosquitoes or ticks chase you indoors on your special occasions. By planning ahead, the Pure Solutions team can treat your property using National Organic Program compliant products safer for both your guests and the environment.

Reducing the population of ticks and mosquitoes on your property, or wherever the event is, will make your event memorable for the right reasons.


Ticks on Martha's Vineyard [Resources]

Posted by Graham Henningson on Jun 21, 2016 12:30:00 PM

With many of us traveling to Martha's Vineyard this summer, and some lucky ones who live there year-round, it's important to be aware of the tick species on the island and best ways to protect our families so we can enjoy the beautiful beaches, and explore the beautiful New England landscape. Unfortunately, based on the deer density and weather conditions there, the tick populations are active in high numbers, and rates of diseases they carry are on the rise.

Martha's Vineyard Board of Health reported that in 2011, 25% of people ages 5 to 18 have been treated for Tick-Borne illnesses (TBI) one or more times, and 54% reported a family member being treated for TBI. Tourists especially are at risk, as many are not aware of the symptoms and don't seek medical treatment. 


What does deer damage look like? (and how can deer proofing help?)

Posted by Graham Henningson on Jun 13, 2016 11:30:00 AM

Deer damage to your landscaping can occur year-round. Often once you start seeing damage, it's already too late, but an integrated deer pest control plan will protect what's left of your plants in order for them to regenerate more quickly, and in the process prevent future damage. 


Mosquito Control in Massachusetts

Posted by Graham Henningson on May 14, 2016 3:42:18 PM

The Central Massachusetts Mosquito Control Project reports there are 51 mosquito species found in Massachusetts. So while you may feel that all mosquitoes are an equal nuisance, each species has unique behaviors, characteristics, and breeding patterns that make mosquito control in Massachusetts a challenge.


Earth Day at Pure Solutions & Environmentally Friendly Workplaces

Posted by Graham Henningson on Apr 22, 2016 4:08:38 PM

Each year, the Pure Solutions team launches initiatives to protect the environment and lower our carbon footprint, both at home and at the office. Our commitment to going green isn't just in the organic lawn care and natural pest control. Change starts at home, as they say, but also at work.

Sustaining the planet for future generations is something we think about every day; including Earth Day! That's why we wanted to share with you tips for both home and at the office that will help you make better choices every day.


The Dangers of Pesticide Use for Families

Posted by Graham Henningson on Mar 29, 2016 11:32:00 AM

The summer is one of our favorite times to spend with our family, whether on vacation or just in the backyard enjoying the season. While there is a risk of vector-borne diseases parents need to be concerned about while outdoors, the dangers of pesticide use also poses a health risk to children.


Why You Should Spray for Ticks in Early Spring

Posted by Graham Henningson on Mar 23, 2016 11:53:00 AM

New England is a hotbed for Lyme disease due to ideal temperatures and accessibility to hosts for deer ticks. We can't change that, but if you spray for ticks in the spring, ideally with safe, all-natural tick treatments, we reduce their population before they can bounce back from winter.


3 Reasons Spraying for Ticks Protects Your Family

Posted by Graham Henningson on Mar 14, 2016 12:05:00 PM

Lyme disease, Babesiosis, and other illnesses are spread by the bite of an infected tick, and people living in or visiting New England are especially at a high risk.

If you and your family live near wooded or grassy areas, you could be susceptible to tick bites. By spraying for ticks, if done right, you can protects your family from tick bites and reduce the risk of tick-borne disease in and around your yard and home.


Pesticide Safety & Deer Tick Control

Posted by Graham Henningson on Mar 11, 2016 3:00:00 PM

A quick glance outside is enough to know that mean old Father Winter has finally gone away. It’s time to see Mother Nature’s more pleasant side, but with that comes increased pest activity, reminding us to be proactive about tick control.


Pure Solutions specializes in organic turf care, tick, mosquito, and deer control services. Our Think Pure blog provides resources to making your yard safer and enjoyable without the use of harmful chemicals. We "Think Pure" in order to protect our community and the environment.

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